viernes, 1 de abril de 2011

Inicio de Blog / Blog Oppening

Bueno apartir de hoy, solo por subir videos /historias / imagenes de la semana, decidi abrir este blog para discutir , opinar etc etc , intentare subir cosas de las mas miscelaneas y divertidas, sientanse libress de expresarse!

Well starting from today , just for the fun of sharing and discussing popular themes/videos/stories etc , I decided to open this blog and hope to be able to have fun with it , as to the media Ill be sharing in this blog, feel free to post any comment!

3 comentarios:

  1. Vientos, ya veremos qué tal te va. btw captcha off please! :P

  2. I think it is very cool that this is a multilingual blog. You should do something that revolves around that. I am not sure how, but I like the idea that I can enjoy your posts and so can someone who doesn't speak a lick of english.

  3. Update more! Most blogs like this are updated at least every other day. Come on dude I got nothing else to do on saturday than read blogs!
